Here, you can enter your desired screen name as well as pick a skin from either the default list or by uploading a skin file downloaded from a third-party site like The Skindex. After accepting the disclaimer, you'll be taken to the profile editing page.Be certain to read through this carefully, as it's incredibly vital that you don't redistribute this software for money, since this could risk Eaglercraft being shut down from Microsoft and Mojang. After clicking or pressing a button, you'll be met with a disclaimer. Head to the Eaglercraft website, which will then ask you to press a key to enable sound.How to play Java Edition via Eaglercraft: However, the developers are continuing their work and aim to update the software until it catches up with more recent updates. Since it's still in its early stages, Eaglercraft is currently only at the 1.5 version of Java, so several current-day features in Java Edition won't be found. The software utilizes the same assets that can be found in the game, and it is scripted to be as close to the Java build of Minecraft as possible. Created by committed developers on Github, Eaglercraft is essentially a port of Java Edition.